Past Workshops and Events
Yoga Philosophy, Ethics and the effects of Western Colonialism
A must for all yoga practitioners and yoga teachers.
Learn what the western mind is missing. Take in how the Colonialism of the East has whitewashed yoga. Contemplate how this has brought us to the incorrect view of yoga, how we teach yoga and how we practice yoga. Truth and the RIGHT path is there, we just need to start thinking, peeling away the incorrect interpretations and come to an understanding of how yoga ethics effects our lives and our environment.
These topics will be taught in a lecture format. Taking notes is highly recommended. If your English is not the strongest, let me know and I can provide German translation.
When: Friday October 15th, 6:30-8:30pm
Lecture Fee: 40 Euro
Pre-registration is required.
A must for all yoga practitioners and yoga teachers.
Learn what the western mind is missing. Take in how the Colonialism of the East has whitewashed yoga. Contemplate how this has brought us to the incorrect view of yoga, how we teach yoga and how we practice yoga. Truth and the RIGHT path is there, we just need to start thinking, peeling away the incorrect interpretations and come to an understanding of how yoga ethics effects our lives and our environment.
These topics will be taught in a lecture format. Taking notes is highly recommended. If your English is not the strongest, let me know and I can provide German translation.
When: Friday October 15th, 6:30-8:30pm
Lecture Fee: 40 Euro
Pre-registration is required.
We don't have to choose between our LOVE of hand crafted beer or Yoga!
Hensen Brewery & Yoga Outlaw are bringing you both in one night!!!
You don't need to be flexible in order to play with us and drink. Well, you do need to be able to reach your beer!
The awesome Crafts Men down at Hensen Brewery will introduce their tasty beers.
Yoga Outlaw will take you through an easy Yoga sequence to help you lube up your drinking exercises.
When: Jan. 26th @ 6:30pm-8pm
Where: Online (easy to use Zoom)
What & How: Brew & Yoga
***Order your special Yoga Sixpack via email
***Sign up for the event
- Pay for your beers
- Pay for the event
28 Euro for your beer
(Pay directly to Hensen)
20 Euro for the Event
(Pay directly to Yoga Outlaw)
Good attitude, Yoga Mat (or cardboard), Hensen Beers, clothing that stretches.
About Hensen Brewery:
In Mönchengladbach-Waldhausen, genau auf der Quelle des Gladbachs steht das ehemalige Sudhaus der Brauerei Gebrüder Hensen. Gegründet im Jahre 1793 wurden bis in die 70er Jahre an gleicher Stelle die Biere der traditionsreichen Brauerei Gebrüder Hensen gebraut.
Dem allgemeinen Brauereisterben in Deutschland geschuldet, stellte man die Produktion Mitte der 70er Jahre ein.
Anfang 2017 erkannten wir, dass der Stadt Mönchengladbach ein neues Bier gutstehen würde.
Schnell fassten wir den Entschluss dies zu ändern:
Das Projekt Hensen Brauerei war geboren.
Klar, hätten wir, um dem Trend zu folgen, eine komplett neue Marke auf den Markt bringen können, aber es muss nicht immer etwas “Neues“ sein.
Manchmal muss man Altbewährtes aufgreifen und der heutigen Zeit anpassen. Wir haben es uns auf unsere Fahne geschrieben, Tradition und Moderne zu verbinden.
Neben traditionellen Bieren wie das Hensen Alt und Hensen Pils, versorgen wir euch auch mit ständig wechselnden Bierkreationen.
Neben unseren drei Hauptsorten Pils, Alt, Malz und IPA, haben wir wechselnde Biere wie Schwarzmahler Coffee Stout, Ofenrohr-Rauchbier, Rote Dämmerung Red Ale, Schwarze Schelle Black IPA, ständig wechselnde Kollaborationsbiere mit befreundeten Brauereien.
Hensen Brewery:
Hip Injury Prevention: it all can start in the feet
As Yoga practitioners we could be causing irreversible damage to our hip joints with repetitive movements and over stretching. Our bodies will change over time and we need to make intelligent changes to our practice.
Nanci and Nicole are teaming up for a joint workshop experience:
(Like my pun there?)
*The most common mistakes done in specific Asanas will be shared.
*Each student will learn how to change their practice to fit their hips.
*Learn the risk factors and signs of hip degeneration.
*Ayurvedic foot massage-because most mis-alignments start in the feet.
Be prepared for lectures combined with practice. Bringing a notebook is recommended.
For Yoga Alliance Certified Teachers: This workshop will count as 1 hour towards your contact hours.
When: December 4th
Time: 6:30-8:30pm
Price: 45 Euro
Early Bird Price: 40 Euro if paid by November 11th
As Yoga practitioners we could be causing irreversible damage to our hip joints with repetitive movements and over stretching. Our bodies will change over time and we need to make intelligent changes to our practice.
Nanci and Nicole are teaming up for a joint workshop experience:
(Like my pun there?)
*The most common mistakes done in specific Asanas will be shared.
*Each student will learn how to change their practice to fit their hips.
*Learn the risk factors and signs of hip degeneration.
*Ayurvedic foot massage-because most mis-alignments start in the feet.
Be prepared for lectures combined with practice. Bringing a notebook is recommended.
For Yoga Alliance Certified Teachers: This workshop will count as 1 hour towards your contact hours.
When: December 4th
Time: 6:30-8:30pm
Price: 45 Euro
Early Bird Price: 40 Euro if paid by November 11th
To cook a balanced meal according to Ayurveda, we need to become masters of alchemy. Sounds challenging? It’s really not. There are basic rules to follow and the more you do them the easier it becomes.
Let’s have fun together before the holidays and celebrate life through food and it’s preparation.
Did you know that Ayurveda translates to ‘the science of longevity’? 80% of our issues are food related. Even anxiety can be brought on by eating incorrectly. The seasons play a role too. Have you ever skipped breakfast in winter and had a hard time staying warm all day? This may be to complicated for our first cooking class. I will try to make this as simple as I possibly can.
I recommend 3 items, cookies being one of them. Those of you who signed up, you can send me your food restrictions and we can try and work around them.
When: December 18th
Time: 6-9pm (loosely)
Location: Oberhausen
Price: 40 Euro
What to bring:
*Mixing bowl
*measuring spoons
*measuring cups
*to go containers so you can take your treats home
Let’s have fun together before the holidays and celebrate life through food and it’s preparation.
Did you know that Ayurveda translates to ‘the science of longevity’? 80% of our issues are food related. Even anxiety can be brought on by eating incorrectly. The seasons play a role too. Have you ever skipped breakfast in winter and had a hard time staying warm all day? This may be to complicated for our first cooking class. I will try to make this as simple as I possibly can.
I recommend 3 items, cookies being one of them. Those of you who signed up, you can send me your food restrictions and we can try and work around them.
When: December 18th
Time: 6-9pm (loosely)
Location: Oberhausen
Price: 40 Euro
What to bring:
*Mixing bowl
*measuring spoons
*measuring cups
*to go containers so you can take your treats home
Practical Application of Yoga
Workshop & 30 day challenge
This is an accredited workshop through Yoga Alliance as YACEP, continuing education for YA registered Yoga teachers. It will give you 3 hours towards the required 30 contact hours to stay as a registered YA teacher. Upon successful completion, you will receive a well deserved certificate.
Learn how and be inspired to apply Yoga into your daily life.
You will be wrapped within a supportive community of other like minded practitioners. Whom as a peer group will help each other, give personal tips and work together toward a common goal.
Have you ever wondered how to apply yoga to your daily life? Have you had issues with discipline? Do you see your greatness but are having a hard time reaching it? Be honest, we all have. This workshop will give you logical, proven and practical steps in achieving where you want to be and how you want to activate your Yoga in your daily life.
Synopsis of the workshop:
*short and easy Vinyasa practise
*lecture on the Practical Application of Yoga
*make a worksheet of your Practical Application of Yoga
*an exchange with the group
*Q & A
Please bring:
*your mask
*notebook and pen/pencil
*drinks and/or snacks for yourself
*Yoga mat
Requirements over 30 days:
*make a personal daily log
*report your log to our community
*submit a short video of your experience (We meet in our studio for filming)
*each day that you complete your task, one Euro will be placed into a collective pot to be used at the end for something fun together. If you skip a day, then your Euro is forfeited.
Level: Open to all
Date: October 16th
Time: 6:30 - 8:30pm
Fee: 50 Euro (30 Euro will be used for your daily tasks)
***A 10 Euro deposit is needed to secure your place. Can be done via Paypal***
Workshop & 30 day challenge
This is an accredited workshop through Yoga Alliance as YACEP, continuing education for YA registered Yoga teachers. It will give you 3 hours towards the required 30 contact hours to stay as a registered YA teacher. Upon successful completion, you will receive a well deserved certificate.
Learn how and be inspired to apply Yoga into your daily life.
You will be wrapped within a supportive community of other like minded practitioners. Whom as a peer group will help each other, give personal tips and work together toward a common goal.
Have you ever wondered how to apply yoga to your daily life? Have you had issues with discipline? Do you see your greatness but are having a hard time reaching it? Be honest, we all have. This workshop will give you logical, proven and practical steps in achieving where you want to be and how you want to activate your Yoga in your daily life.
Synopsis of the workshop:
*short and easy Vinyasa practise
*lecture on the Practical Application of Yoga
*make a worksheet of your Practical Application of Yoga
*an exchange with the group
*Q & A
Please bring:
*your mask
*notebook and pen/pencil
*drinks and/or snacks for yourself
*Yoga mat
Requirements over 30 days:
*make a personal daily log
*report your log to our community
*submit a short video of your experience (We meet in our studio for filming)
*each day that you complete your task, one Euro will be placed into a collective pot to be used at the end for something fun together. If you skip a day, then your Euro is forfeited.
Level: Open to all
Date: October 16th
Time: 6:30 - 8:30pm
Fee: 50 Euro (30 Euro will be used for your daily tasks)
***A 10 Euro deposit is needed to secure your place. Can be done via Paypal***